
关于云冈石窟第13窟的营造 被引量:1

On the Construction of Cave 13 of Yungang Grottoes
摘要 在以双窟为主要特征的云冈石窟第二期诸窟中,还存在着第11、12、13窟这种三窟一组,被称为'组窟'的特殊形式。从三窟的规模来看,应当也是由皇家主持营造的。但其中第1 1窟与第13窟的壁面则大多经由民间之手,这恐怕是由于在石窟营造期间,皇家不再主持工作,而委任于民间来继续进行。不过,近年曾布川宽对此提出了新的观点,继第一期昙曜五窟之后营造的第13窟,虽然雕刻了主尊、明窗以及窟顶等部分内容,但在随后的一段时间却暂停了营造活动。这便是主尊为大佛的第13窟被作为第二期诸窟中特殊存在的原因。此外,冈村秀典也认为,继昙曜五窟之后雕凿了第13窟主尊、窟顶、明窗,以及稍晚一些的第1 1窟中心塔柱与最上部的三头六臂天人像。他还指出,位于第13窟与第1 1窟之间的第12窟,与第6窟开凿于同一时期。正如曾布川宽与冈村秀典所主张,如果是继昙曜五窟之后雕刻了第13窟的主尊、窟顶以及明窗等,那么中断的时间大约有10年。如此一来,先行雕刻的内容与工程再起之后所雕刻的部分相比,应当有着明显的差异。本文从第1 1、12、13窟中,选择最早开凿的第13窟作为例子,对其主尊、明窗、各壁面所雕刻的造像进行详细分析。本文并非仅仅是探讨继昙曜五窟之后所雕刻的造像是否真的存在,同时还要考察该窟是按照怎样的顺序进行营造的,弄清第13窟中所雕刻的造像,与第1 1、12窟以及与其他洞窟造像之间是否存在联系。 One of the characteristics of the caves constructed during the second phase(from early 470 s until 494)of Yungang Grottoes is pairing of caves,such as Caves 7 and 8 which are almost identical and Caves 9 and 10 which are closely related in their cave design scheme.Mr.Su Bai suggested that these caves were designed as twin caves dedicated to two praised imperial members,Emperor Xiaowen and Empress(Dowager)Wenming,and his theory is widely accepted among the scholars.However,of all,Caves 11,12 and13 are combined which are an exception to the paring scheme of the period.The reasons why these three are understood as one in scheme are because they share the same outside wall and Caves 11 and 13 are balanced on both sides of Cave 12 which has the gate and the light window(mingchuang)opening up top.Still the other reason is the signs of Sinicization seen in Caves 11 and 13,suggesting their construction around the year 490.But,in the recent years,the new proposal was presented,suggesting the reconsideration of the construction date of Cave 13.The new interpretation placed the construction of Cave 13 soon after the competition of the so-called Tanyao Five Caves of the first phase(from 460 until early 470 s)and also stated that it was left unfinished with only the ceiling and light window completed.The main statue being the giant Buddha is also exceptional compared to the other main figures of caves in the second phase.This is the reason why the author takes up Cave 13 in this article to examine the details once again,looking closely at the main statue,the light window and figures carved on all the walls.This article will not only examine if the cave really has images created in the period following the Tanyao Five Caves,but also clarify the construction process of this cave and how the images in the cave are related to those of other caves including,but not only with,Caves 11 and 12.
作者 八木春生 王雁卿 刘军淼 Yagi Haruo
机构地区 筑波大学艺术系
出处 《石窟寺研究》 2019年第1期93-128,共36页 Studies of the Cave Temples
关键词 云冈石窟 第13窟 组窟 营造过程 昙曜五窟 Yungang Grottoes Cave 13 group of caves the construction process Tanyao Five Caves
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