

Dong Zhong and the Supplement:Protection and Propagation of Si Ku Quan Shu
摘要 董众(1892-1931)是20世纪二三十年代较早从事《四库全书》保护与研究的学者。他不仅参与了1925年文溯阁《四库全书》从北京运复沈阳之事,还主持了1926-1927年文溯阁本《四库全书》的补抄工作,并于1930年最早提出了应当选印文溯阁本《四库全书》的倡议。其所撰《文溯阁四库全书运复记》是《四库全书》七阁中,唯一记载流传过程的碑文;其《选印文溯阁四库全书议》则主张选印而非全印《四库全书》,立论高屋建瓴,论据充分扎实,见解精辟独到,措施周到可行,至今仍有启示意义;而《选印文溯阁四库全书提议书》一文则是对前文主张的进一步落实。董众对文溯阁《四库全书》的运复与补抄,对该书选印的提议与规划,无疑为文溯阁本《四库全书》的保护与传播做出了重要贡献。 Dong Zhong(1892-1931)was one of the first scholars who studied and protected Si Ku Quan Shu in the 1920 s and 1930 s.He not only participated in the task of returning the Wen Su Pavilion Si Ku Quan Shu in 1925,but also was in charge of the projection of making copies of its missing volumes and sections in 1926-1927.More importantly,he was the first person who proposed that the selectecd sections of the Wen Su Pavilion Si Ku Quan Shu should be printed rather than the entire.He wrote the inscription Returning of Wen Su Pavilion Si Ku Quan Shu and the lettering stone was the only monument inscription existing now in seven original libraries,which records the process of inheritance and protection of the Si Ku Quan Shu.In his other paper The Discussion of Selected printing Wen Su Pavilion Si Ku Quan Shu,he suggested printing the selected sections rather than printing the entire,which was ahead of time,creative,thoughtful and feasible.The suggestion still has an important significance today.The paper of Selected Print Wen Su Pavilion Si Ku Quan Shu was for the implementation of the foregoing proposal.Dong Zhong has made great contributions to the supplement,protection and propagation of Si Ku Quan Shu.
作者 董大一 Dong Dayi
机构地区 国家知识产权局
出处 《四库学》 2017年第1期52-83,共32页 The Study of Si Ku Quan Shu
关键词 董众 文溯阁 《四库全书》 Dong Zhong Wen Su Pavilion Si Ku Quan Shu
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