
原典义理·传统诠释·现代新识——四库学的开展机制 被引量:1

Original Meaning,Traditional Interpretation and Modern New Knowledge——Development Mechanism of the Study of Siku
摘要 '四库学'在社会意识与学术观念普遍现代化的态势下建立,是一则中国观念文化的大事。物具机制,学涵义理,这一超大型的'丛书之学'怎样赋予机制而开展发轫?'原典义理一传统诠释-总目提要-现代新识',成为四库学难以或缺的机制。汉代中央'大收篇籍,广开献书之路',三国魏文帝曹丕诏令刘劭领衔纂修类书《皇览》,唐代高祖诏令欧阳询等敕撰类书《艺文类聚》,宋代太宗诏令李昉领衔敕撰类书《太平御览》,明代成祖诏令解缙领衔敕撰类书《永乐大典》,至于清代乾隆帝诏令纪昀等敕编大型丛书《四库全书》,现今国家开展'中华优秀传统文化传承发展工程',构成了'四库学'的意涵要素。本文以'原典义理:四库学的学科原理、传统诠释:四库学的与时焕发、现代新识:四库学的新机意趣'为要义,表达对于'四库学'的建设践忱。 The situation of the study of Siku in the social consciousness and the modern academic ideas generally, is a Chinese cultural event. With the mechanism, study meaning, the mega 'series of learning' how to give and carry out such mechanism? 'Original meaning, traditional interpretation of Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu, modern new knowledge', become difficult or lack of mechanism study of Si Ku Quan Shu. The central ' big collection of Classics, offering book open road of offering book',the kingdom of Wei emperor Liu Shao led the compilation of books from 'imperial edict', the Tang Dynasty emperor Ouyang Xun imperial edict written book ' Yiwenleiju',the Song Dynasty emperor Li Fang led the imperial edict written book 'Taiping Yulan' in Ming Dynasty, the emperor led imperial books written by Xie Jin edict ' Yongle canon ' as for the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Ji Yun imperial edict to compile a large series of ' Shu',the country to carry out Chinese traditional culture inheritance and development project, constitute the meaning of 'four elements'. Based on the original meaning :the subject principle, the traditional interpretation of Science : the glow with times in the study of Siku,modern new knowledge: the new machine learning is the essence of the charm of 'four, for the expression of' The study of Siku 'construction practice'.
作者 陆建猷 Lu Jianyou
出处 《四库学》 2017年第2期3-18,共16页 The Study of Si Ku Quan Shu
关键词 “四库学” 原典义理 传统诠释 The Study of Si ku Original Meaning Traditional Interpretation Modern New Knowledge
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