作者一行于 2 0 0 1年夏季对南澳及其附近岛屿的鸟类资源状况进行了调查研究 .结果发现 ,南澳及其附近岛屿有鸟类 51种 ,隶属 1 3目 2 8科 ,其中雀形目 2 3种 ,占所发现种类的 45% ,非雀形目 2 8种 ,占 55% ;国家一、二级保护动物各一种 ,分别为 :白腹军舰鸟 (F regataandrewsi)和岩鹭 (Egretta sacra) .按鸟类的栖息和迁徙习惯划分 ,有海鸟 8种 ,湿地候鸟 2种 ,湿地留鸟 9种 ,陆地候鸟 4种 ,陆地留鸟 2 8种 .在所有鸟类中以褐翅燕鸥 (Sterna anae-thetus)为优势种 ,数量最大 ,分布最广 .
To obtain the basic data of bird resources and provide some reference for the ma nagement of wildlife in Nanao and its nearby islands,the nature and distribution of summer birds in that area were investigated in June 2001.The result shows th at a total of 51 species of birds,belonged to 28 families of 13 orders,were ob served.Among them,28 are non-passeriformes and 23 are passeriformes,which tak e 55% and 45% of the total species,respectively.8 are seab irds,2 wetland migrants,9 wetland residents,4 land migrants,and 28 land resid ents.Christmas Island Frigatebird( Fregata andrewsi )and Eastern Reef Egret( Egretta sacra )are national first and second most important p rotective birds,respectively.Bridled Tern( Sterna anaethetus )is the dominant species.
Journal of Shantou University:Natural Science Edition