针对某市天然气利用工程中高压输送管道可能发生的天然气泄漏的危险性进行分析 ,求出了其最大的泄漏流量。通过高斯扩散模式定量计算在大气为中性条件下 ,天然气在大气中的轴向、径向和切向的扩散距离 ,从而计算出该天然气 -空气混合云团的体积。对该体积预混云团的火灾危害进行评估 ,计算形成火球的参数 ,用热辐射剂量准则计算其伤害半径。对该预混云团可能产生的爆轰后果 ,采用超压准则计算其对人员和建筑物的伤害半径。
Base on the leakage risk analysis of compressed natural gas (CNG) pipeline under high pressure, the calculation on the maximum leakage flow has been carried out. By using Guass diffusion model, the maximum flammable range in three dimensions under the condition of 5m/s wind velocity and neutral steady atmosphere is obtained, from which the volume of premixed NG air cloud can be calculated. Based on these two criteria of damage by heat radiation of fireball and of steady combustion, the relative quantitative evaluation is performed. In accordance with overpressure rule of shock wave, the damage radius of detonation caused by premixed cloud could be estimated.
China Safety Science Journal