The method of structural mechanics and the improved“m a theory”were applied to he cal-culation of the double row retaining piles in foundation pit. The perfect“m a theory”uses the founda-tion pit as the calculation origin of coordinates of the single row pile and the front row pile of the double row retaining piles and the top of back row pile of the double row retaining piles as the calcu-lation origin of coordinate of the back row pile. the angleηrelationship between local soil failure sur-face and horizontal plane were determined by pilot calculation. The laboratory model test resulted in following results:The double row piles can reduce engineering cost by 23% at least compared by the single-row pile and have strong capability of resisting deformation, Therefore it is worthy of further research and can be widely used in all sorts of support engineering.
Water Conservancy Science and Technology and Economy
retaining mechanism of double-row piles
the improved 'm method a theory'
Coulomb earth pressure on local soil
the angle between failure surface and horizontal plane