花白竹鼠(又名拉氏竹鼠、粗毛竹鼠、银星竹鼠)主要分布于印度;缅甸;泰国;马来西亚以及我国华南和西南地区。已知我国有2个亚种,分布于云南、广西的称指名亚种,分布于广东和福建的称拉氏亚种(R.P.latouchei)。花白竹鼠的体型较大,体重1500—2000克,最大可达2500克;体长300—370毫米;尾长100—160毫米。外形的主要鉴别特征是体毛较粗,通体深灰褐色,针毛尖端白色,绒毛浅灰黑色;尾较长,超过体长的三分之一。 有关花白竹鼠的生物学资料,黄季琦等(1957)曾有1篇报道;张荣祖等(1958)。
This work was carried out in the north of Guangdong province,China, from Mar.1981.to May,1982. 217 individuals of bamboo Tat(Rhizomys pru-inosus)were captured.the materials were analysed and the results are as follows.1. The bamboo rat usually lives alone, except the breeding period.2. The bamboo rat uses its incisors and feet to dig out the burrow, which is relatively simple.It is consist of several parts, which are some tunnels, a nest,a hole for hidden,and a clear opening on the ground.3. Most of the bamboo rats breed in spring,the litter size is about 1-5 and the mean is 2.17(29 instances).The newborn sucklings are hairless, and their eyes are closed until 28-30 days and they are weaned at about 56-78 days.4. The bamboo rats live on the roots and stems of plants, but the awns and the bamboos are their staple natural diet.5. The bamboo rat is rather meek, and maybe easily raised.
Acta Theriologica Sinica