

The Design and Implement of a Display System for Referee's Best Move
摘要 现代足球的发展对裁判员提出了更高的要求,而足球裁判员判罚的准确性很大程度上依赖于其跑位意识。一款智能化、数字化、易用、便携的多媒体演示系统可以很好地帮助裁判理解各种情况下的推荐跑位。为此,本文实现了一款跑位教学示范系统。系统围绕跟踪跑、直线跑、大S形跑、助理裁判与拖后后卫跑四种跑位规则进行讨论,充分考虑了足球与裁判速度差异、边界值判定等功能要求,避免生搬硬套跑位规则,以求尽可能地符合人脑思维。在对已有的经典跑位规则进行总结提炼的基础上,利用知识库技术形成了跑位规则所对应的知识库。最后利用Tcl/Tk绘制系统界面,结合它提供的图形交互技术,参照知识库完成了跑位录制、演示、回放等主要功能,还对诸如开球、踢角球、踢球门球、罚任意球、球点球等特殊情况下裁判员的跑位进行模拟。本系统为裁判员教学工作提供了一种新的方法和参考。 The development of modern football brings new challenges to football referees.The judging abilities of referees always have a complex relation with their movement directions in the football field.In this paper,we develop a well-designed teaching prototype system to help football referees to master running skills more easily.One of the key technologies used in our system is the knowledge base.With the consideration of the key elements that influence the referees' move,a knowledge base is built.Our knowledge base is equipped with rules which can simulate the movement of referee,football,linesman and players.The second key technology used in our system is the moving rules we set at the very beginning.We summarize three mainstream moving rules and add an extra rule according to the actual conditions in football games.We have designed algorithms and realized these rules by Tcl.The third key technology is the Tcl/Tk.We build the graphical user interface(GUI) of our system with Tcl/Tk so that all the movements of the objects in the football field are effectively demonstrated in an easy way.The initial application of our system suggests a new exploring direction of designing equipment for training the football referees,football players,etc.
出处 《数码设计》 2016年第1期53-58,共6页 Peak Data Science
关键词 足球裁判员 跑位规则 知识库 模拟演示 图形交互 人工智能 football referee move rules knowledge base simulation graphical user interface(GUI) artificial intelligence
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