

The calculated soil gave birth to the spark of thinking
摘要 《数学课程标准》中指出:数学是人们劳动和学习必不可少的工具。而对每个人来说,在小学阶段学好计算,并形成一定的计算能力是终身有益的事。自2001年推行课程改革之后,小学数学的计算内容与要求有了较大的调整,删去了大量繁琐的计算内容。同时,也适当降低了计算的要求,但无论是计算的准确率,还是做计算时的习惯都有待加强,而且越到高年级计算问题出得越多,给学生的思维发展造成了一定的障碍。如在计算中用原有的运算法则、方法干扰新的运算法则。若两类知识比较相似,就容易发生混淆而出现口算失误,即受相近知识的干扰而发生的失误。如计算分数加减法时把分子、分母分别相加减,计算小数加减法时也把末尾对齐,这都是受整数加减法的干扰。我们也进行了关于"计算能力"的调查分析,通过对学生和教师的调查问卷,我们也得到了同样的结果。因此,我们专注此研究专题,是力图在研究中提高小学生计算中的思维能力,探索出更多的提高学生的计算能力的有效方法,从而在教师的教学方法和学生的能力方面都能有所突破。 in the mathematicscurriculum standard pointed out: mathematicsisan essential tool for people working and study. But for each person, learn calculation in primary school, and the formation of certain computing power is lifelong good. Since 2001 after the implementation of the curriculum reform, primary school mathematics calculation contents and requirements have been greatly adjusted a lot of tedious calculation, by deleting the content. At the same time, it also appropriate to reduce the computational requirements, but whether it is the calculation accuracy, or when calculating habits are to be strengthened, and the high grade calculation problem more,caused some obstaclesto the development of students' thinking. Aswith the original in in the calculation If the two typesof knowledge are similar, they are liable to be confused and make mistakes in calculation, that is, errors caused by the interference of similar knowledge. For example, when calculating fractional addition and subtraction,the molecules, The denominator adds and subtracts separately, and the decimal addition and subtraction are also aligned at the end, which is interfered with by integer addition and subtraction. We got the same result. So, we focuson thisresearch topic, we try to improve the thinking ability of primary school studentsin the study, and explore more to improve the students' computing ability. The effective method of force can make a breakthrough in the teaching method of teachersand the ability of students.
作者 朱海宝
出处 《数码设计》 2017年第9期203-203,共1页 Peak Data Science
关键词 数学计算 思维能力 mathematical calculation thinking ability
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