
中国人睡眠质量与心理承受力及相关因素研究 被引量:7

A study on relationship of Chinese people's sleep quality and psychological resilience and its related factors
摘要 目的探讨中国人心理承受力与睡眠障碍的关系及其影响因素,为各人群睡眠障碍的预防和干预提供参考。方法采用随机整群抽样法,在全国18省市分层抽取健康人13 080人,发放中国心理承受力量表和中国睡眠障碍量表,数据采用SPSS 17.0进行统计处理。分别进行描述性统计分析、独立样本t检验、相关分析、回归分析。结果1)中国城市人群睡眠障碍各因子分显著高于农村(P<0.01)。2)独生子女的运动性异样睡眠因子、非运动性异样睡眠因子分显著低于非独生子女(P<0.01),独生子女嗜睡因子分显著高于非独生子女(P<0.01);除嗜睡因子外,已婚者的其他睡眠障碍因子分显著高于未婚者(P<0.01);除非运动性异样睡眠外,男性睡眠障碍各因子分显著低于女性(P<0.01)。3)对中国人心理承受力量表分析显示:意志力、家庭支持和自信心等因子分城市显著低于农村(P<0.05);独生子女人际交往和家庭支持因子显著高于非独生子女(P<0.05);问题解决、人际交往和自信心因子分已婚者显著高于未婚者(P<0.01),而家庭支持因子分已婚者显著低于未婚者;问题解决、意志力和自信心因子分男性显著高于女性(P<0.05),家庭支持因子分男性显著低于女性(P<0.01)。4)中国心理承受力各因子与睡眠障碍各因子呈显著负相关(P<0.01);中国人心理承受力量表问题解决、意志力、家庭支持、自信心因子进入日间功能的回归方程,对该睡眠障碍有显著预测作用;意志力进入失眠的回归方程,对该睡眠障碍有显著预测作用;问题解决、意志力、家庭支持进入嗜睡的回归方程,对该睡眠障碍有显著预测作用;问题解决、意志力、人际交往、家庭支持进入运动性异样睡眠和非运动异样睡眠的回归方程,对该睡眠障碍有显著预测作用(P=0.000~0.05)。结论中国不同人群的心理承受力和睡眠障碍存在差异,心理承受力与个体睡眠质量密切相关,其对睡眠障碍的发生具有一定的预测作用。 Objective Investigate the relationship and influence factor between psychological endurance and sleep dis-orders in Chinese,to provide reference for the prevention and intervention of sleep disorders.Methods In eighteen provinces,13 080 healthy people were instratified by cluster random sampling method.They were issued with Resilience Scale and China sleep disturbance scale.Data was analyzed by SPSS 17.0.Statical processing contained aredescriptive statistics,independent sample t test,correlation analysis and regression analysis.Results The factors of sleep disorders of people in city were significantly high-er than that in rural(P <0.01).The factors of only child were significantly lower than that of non -only child in the sports into sleep or non-sports into sleep,but somnolence factor of only child was significantly higher .Other sleep disturbance factors in the married were significantly higher than the unmarried in addition to drowsiness factor (P <0.01).Other sleep disturbance factors in men was significantly lower than that in women unless sports into sleep (P <0.01).Chinese resilience scale analysis showed that urban people got lower score in willpower,family support and confidence (P <0.05).In interpersonal and family support factors ,only child got higher scores than non-only child(P <0.05).The factors of the married as significantly higher than the unmarried in problem solu -tion,interpersonal relationships and confidence (P <0.01),but the married got lower scores in family support .Men got higher scores than women in problem solving ,willpower and self-confidence(P <0.05),but family support factor score showed the opposite re -sults.Each of Chinese psychological factors negatively related to sleep disorders (P <0.01),regression equation between Chinese psychological regression equations ,willpower,family support and confidence factor into the daytime function has significant prediction for the sleep disorder.Willpower entered the regression equation had significant effects on the sleep disorder .Regression equation problem solving,willpower,family support into sleepiness had significant effect on the sleep disorder .problem solving,willpower,in-terpersonal,family support into the regression equation of motion and non motion strange sleep ,had significant effect on the sleep disorders(P =0.000~0.05).Conclusion There exists difference between psychological endurance and sleep disorder,and psy-chological endurance is closely related to the sleep quality,which have prediction for the occurrence of sleep disorders.
出处 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 2015年第4期228-232,244,共6页 World Journal of Sleep Medicine
基金 军队心理卫生应用性科研课题专项课题(编号:12XLZ216)
关键词 睡眠质量 心理承受力 影响因素 中国人 Sleep quality Mental Resilience Influencing factors Chinese
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