学科的性质是学科理论建设的核心问题。中学语文学科性质观是中国语文教育界几十年来一直关注与讨论的话题。于漪老师对于该学科性质的认识经历了由工具性、思想性统一到工具性、人文性并重的过程。研究于漪老师语文学科性质观的发展历程 ,对于今天的语文教学 。
In this essay, the authors states Yu Yi's cognitive process of Chinese teaching in middle school, that is, from the unification of instrumentalism and ideological content to laying equal stress on instrumentalism and humanism. Research on Yu Yi's viewpoints of the nature of Chinese will offers us some references both theoretically and practically.
Journal of Nanning Junior Teachers College