目的对冷却牛肉中的初始微生物进行鉴定,了解细菌菌落结构,为储藏冷却牛肉提供理论数据。方法通过传统纯培养的方法和16S rDNA克隆分析法相结合,研究冷却牛肉中微生物菌落总数及结构。结果冷却牛肉中的初始细菌总数为2.6×104 CFU/g,筛选出8株优势菌株,根据其形态、颜色等特征鉴定为:S01和S02都为假单孢菌属,S03为希瓦氏菌属,S04、S06为不动杆菌属,S05为窄食单胞菌属,S07为嗜冷杆菌,S08为葡萄球菌属。结论冷却牛肉中优势菌为假单胞菌和希瓦氏菌属,在4℃条件下,货架期为5天。
Objective To provide theoretical data for the storage of chilled beef by the initial microbial in the chilled beef and understanding the structure of bacterial colonies. Methods Combined the traditional pure culture methods and the analysis of 16S rDNA clone to study the total number of colonies of microorganisms and structure in chilled beef. Results The total number of bacteria in chilled beef was 2.6×104 CFU/g, and screening eight dominant strains in it. Identifying by their morphology, color and other characteristics, confirm that it had the following: S01 and S02 were Pseudomonas spp., S03 was Shewanella, S04, S06 was Acineto-bacter, S05 was narrow food Aeromonas spp., S07 was psychrophilic bacterium, and S08 was Staphylococcus spp.. Conclusion Pseudomonas and Shewanella are predominant bacterium in the chilled beef , the shelf life of the chilled beef was 5 days at 4℃conditions.
Journal of Food Safety and Quality