美国电信市场由于前几年投资过大,商业回报不如人意,在没有新的资金投入的情况下,市场后续发展乏力:欧洲的3G市场由于电信企业在3G的频谱执照上投资过大,再加上3G自身技术存在问题和没有好的业务应用,企业近期不愿意在3G上追加更多新的投资;日本由于国内的银行业问题没有彻底解决、国内经济环境始终没有恢复过去的水平,虽然NTT DoCoMo一度有很好的i mode的商业模式,但受国内经济大环境的影响。其3G发展的市场目标总是不能完成,在艰难前行。
Giving a broad overview of 3G development in the world, we may find 3G still faces a long way to go. Now in US the huge investment in 3G has not gained expectant commercial profits. Without more new investment it will be harder to continue the market development. In Europe no enterprises are willing to invest more on 3G recently because of the high burden out of the competition of 3G licenses and no profitable services being available now. Even in Japan because the whole economic environment is not as well as before, which partly results from the problems existing in banking. Although NTT DoCoMo has ever established the successful commercial mode of i-mode, the object of 3G market development is difficult to be achieved in Japan. All in all, a steady development is essential to 3G.
China Telecommunications Trade