本文的目的有二:一是讨论完备度量空间中一类压缩型集值映象的不动点的存在性和唯一性问题;二是将所得的结果应用于 Menger 空间,得出了 Menger空间中一类集值映象的不动点的存在性和唯一性条件。本文定理2在某种意义下,改进了张石生教授在1987[2]和1985[4]给出的某些重要结果。
The purposes of this paper are two-folds.The first one is to investigate the existence and uniqueness theorems of a class contractive form set-valued mapping's fixed point on the complete metric spaco.The second one will res- ults in section 2 applicate to study the fixed point theorems for set-valued mappings on Menger probabilistic metric space.the theorem 2 improve and extend the some importance results of[2,4]
Journal of Shangrao Normal University