

Causes of Cyanobacterial Bloom Pollution in the Fenshuijiang Reservoir and Suggestions for Prevention
摘要 分水江是钱塘江中游的最大支流.分水江水库系分水江水利枢纽工程建成形成的人工湖泊,是桐庐县西北部重镇分水镇的生活饮用水源地.水库2005年5月建成蓄水以来,每年夏季都不同程度出现蓝藻水华现象,尤其是2007年8月出现大范围的蓝藻水华,水华藻种为蓝藻门的产毒种———微囊藻(Microcystis),直接威胁饮用水源地的供水水质安全.通过分析该水库流域的生态环境,探讨了蓝藻水华发生的生态环境因素,提出了可供管理部门选择的控制措施. Fenshui River is the largest branch in the middle reaches of the Qiantang River.The Fenshuijiang reservoir is a man-made lake formed after the completion of the Fenshuijiang water control project and has become the drinking water source for Fenshuizhen,a town of strategic importance in the northwest of the Tonglu County.Since the completion of the reservoir in May 2005,cyanobacterial bloom has more or less come into existence in each summer.In August 2007,in particular,cyanobacterial bloom burst over an extensive area,the algal bloom being microcystis,apoisonous cyanobacterial bloom,which directly threatens the water quality of the drinking water source.Based on the analysis of the ecological environment of the reservoir,the paper discusses the ecological environment factors for the occurrence of cyanobacterial bloom and presents measures for control.
出处 《浙江树人大学学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第2期29-32,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University(Acta Scientiarum Naturalium)
基金 杭州市科技局重大项目"钱塘江(杭州市)水域生态调整及蓝藻水体控制对策研究"(20052113A4)研究成果之一
关键词 蓝藻水华 分水江水库 饮用水 饮用水源 cyanobacterial bloom Fenshuijiang reservoir drinking water drinking water source
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