
通南巴区块泥石流发育基本特征及防治对策 被引量:1

Development Characteristics of Debris Flow in Tongnanba Region and Control Measures
摘要 通南巴区块为中石化川北矿区一大主力区块,日产天然气约30万m3,后期开采空间巨大。通过前期研究表明,受地形条件限制,目前区块内钻井及采气场地多处于盆谷地带,井场在钻井及后期采气过程中经常遭遇山洪泥石流等地质灾害,严重威胁井场的安全运营,为彻底查清山洪泥石流对井场的危害程度及其发育特征,本次研究选取2010—2012年区块内6口井井场作为研究对象,通过查明井场所处沟谷基本特征,统计泥石流受灾情况,在总结各沟谷基本特征参数的前提下,总结了区内泥石流的成因机制,后期爆发频率及规模;同时从定量角度计算了区块内泥石流的动力学参数,尤其是泥石流峰值流量等参数值,为后期井场选址建设及防治泥石流提供了参考依据。 Tongnanba region is SINOPEC′s mining area in the northern Sichuan Province,daily output is about 3.0×105 cubic meters of natural gas,later mining space is enormous.The research shows that by topography conditions,at present in the gas drilling and region in the basin with more valley,drill in the late in the process of gas drilling will often encounter flash flood debris flow of geologic hazards,serious threat of drill the safe operation,to check up thoroughly flash floods to drill harm degree of debris flow and its development characteristics.The research selected six well locationa in the area from 2010to 2012as the study object.Based on researches on the basic characteristics of the valleys in well field,statistical debris flow disaster,the fundamental characteristic parameters in valleys on the premise of summary,the debris flow the cause of formation mechanism,outbreak frequency and the latter scale were summarized.At the same time,from the quantitative aspect,dynamic parameters of the debris in the area was calculated,especially peak flow rate of debris flow parameters value,which provides reference basis for the latter location,prevention and control construction debris flow well site.
作者 杜杰 左雅娅
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期315-320,共6页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
关键词 通南巴 泥石流 沟谷基本特征 成因机制 峰值流量 Tongnanba debris flow basic characteristics of the valleys genetic mechanism peak flow
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