
云南环洱海地区农村聚落空间分布变化及特征分析 被引量:5

Analysis on Spatial Distribution Variation and Characteristics of Rural Settlement in Erhai Lake Area of Yunnan Province
摘要 农村聚落的空间分布对村域景观变动的影响极为深远,基于2000年、2012年两期的遥感影像数据,以环洱海地区为研究区域,综合运用景观指数分析、GIS空间叠置分析和缓冲区分析等方法对社会经济变迁影响下农村聚落的空间分布变化及特征进行探讨。结果表明:12a间,全区农村聚落规模与数量明显上升,布局更为密集,聚落的整合效应日益凸显,海西地区聚落发育程度远高于海东,S221和G214沿线成长为聚落密集分布区,南部和西北部乡镇成为聚落的主要增长区;发展基础薄弱、人口稀少的小型聚落为该区农村聚落的主体,交通通达度、中心城区及城镇用地对聚落空间布局的影响与该区的道路布局、轮廓特征及与中心城镇间的距离密切相关;随时间演进,聚落向经济发达、人口稀疏及交通沿线地区集聚态势明显,中心城区及城镇用地对下关主城区及各乡镇城郊聚落布局影响增强。 The spatial distribution of rural settlements has a profound impact on the landscape changes in the village.We take the Erhai Lake area as the research region,discuss the spatial distribution of rural settlement and its change under the influence of social and economic changes through landscape index analysis,GIS spatial overlay analysis and buffer analysis based on the remote sensing image data in 2000 and 2012.The results indicate that in the last twelve years the scale and quantity of rural settlement in the whole region were obviously higher,the layout is more intensive,the integration effect of settlement is becoming more and more prominent,the settlement development degree of Haixi is much higher than that of Haidong area,the region nearby S221 and G214grew into areas of dense distribution of settlements,the south and northwest become the main growth areas of the settlement;small settlements with weak development foundation and scarce population are the main part of rural settlement in this area,the impact of traffic accessibility,central urban area and urban land use on settlement space layout is closely related to the road layout,contour features,and the distance between urban and urban areas;with time going on,the trend with which settlements move to areas with developed economically,sparsely populated and convenient transportation is obviously,the impact of central urban area and urban land use on settlement layout in Xiaguan main city zone and other suburban towns will enhance.
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期316-321,326,共7页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家自然科学基金(41261044) 云南省哲社创新培育团队项目(2014cxp02)
关键词 农村聚落 空间分布 影响因素 环洱海地区 rural settlement spatial distribution influencing factors Erhai Lake area
  • 相关文献


  • 1Hoffman G W.Transformation of Rural Settlement in Bulgaria. Geographical Review . 1964











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