
1960-2013年云南地面温度时空变化特征 被引量:7

Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Surface Temperature in Yunnan During 1960-2013
摘要 利用云南省1960—2013年逐日0cm地面温度观测资料,运用Mann-Kendall趋势和突变检验法、小波分析法等分析了云南地面温度的空间分布、变化趋势及突变特征、周期变化及可能的影响因素。结果表明:年平均地温、年平均最低地温整体上呈现"南高北低"的分布特点,年平均最高地温呈现出"西北、东北低,中部、南部高;深切河谷高,高原面较低,高耸山地更低"的分布特点;同时,也表现出明显的区域性差异;年平均地温、年平均最高(低)地温高值中心主要分布在元江河谷(元江站),金沙江河谷(元谋站),滇南澜沧江及其支流河谷(景洪站、勐腊站);平均地温、平均最高(低)地温季节分布特点与年际分布大致相似。平均地温、平均最高(低)地温年际、季节及不同气候带均呈增温趋势;年平均地温、年平均最高(低)地温均以冬季增温幅度最大;年平均地温、年平均最低地温以高原气候带增温幅度最大,年平均最高地温以北热带增温幅度最大。年平均地温、年平均最高(低)地温及不同气候带地温均发生显著突变;其中,年平均地温、年平均最高(低)地温显著突变点分别为2000年、2004年、1997年;年平均地温、年平均最高(低)和不同气候带地温均以长周期变化为主周期;其中,年平均地温、年平均最高(低)地温主周期分别为28a,26a,26a。年平均地温、年平均最高(低)地温与纬度和海拔呈极其显著的负相关;1960—2013年亚洲区极涡面积(强度),西太平洋副高西伸脊点指数显著减弱,西太平洋副高面积(强度、脊线)、印缅槽、西藏高原、印度副高面积指数呈显著增加可能是引起云南地温变化的原因之一。 The spatial and temporal characteristics,abrupt change,variation periodic and possible atmospheric circulation influence factor are analyzed through using linear trend,Mann-Kendall nonparametric test,wavelet analysis and the data from 1960 to 2013 of Yunnan Province 0 cm surface temperature.The results showed that:on the whole,the distribution characteristics of annual average surface temperature,annual average minimum surface temperature were low in the northern region and high in the southern region;but the annual average maximum temperature was low in the northwest and northeast,high in the central and southern areas,high in deep valley,low in the plateau area,lower in the high mountain region.at the same time,there were differences on the regional scales,the annual average surface temperature,annual average maximum(minimum)surface temperature high value center mainly distributed in Jinsha River valley(Yuanmou meteorological station)and Yuanjiang River valley(Yuanjiang meteorological station),the Valley South Lancang River and its tributaries(Jinghong and Mengla meteorological station);the seasonal distributions of annual average surface temperature,annual average maximum(minimum)surface temperature were similar to the annual.The annual average surface temperature,annual average maximum(minimum)surface temperature and different climate zone showed significant warming trend,from the seasons,the most increase occurred in winter;from the different climatic zones,the warming trend was obvious in the plateau climatic zone of the annual average surface temperature and annual average minimum surface temperature,the annual average maximum surface temperature was observed in the north tropical zone.Annual average surface tem-perature,annual average maximum(minimum)surface temperature and different climate zone significantly mutated warming;among them,annual average surface temperature,annual average maximum(minimum)surface temperature marked mutation in 2000,2004,1997,respectively.The variation period was mainly long time scale of annual average surface temperature,annual average maximum(minimum)surface temperature and different climate zone;among them,the mainly variation period of annual average surface temperature,annual average maximum(minimum)surface temperature are 28 a,26 a,26 a,respectively.The annual average surface temperature,annual average maximum(minimum)surface temperature had significant negatively correlation with latitude and elevation;Asia polar vortex area(strength),Western Pacific deputy high west ridge point index significantly reduced,and the Western Pacific subtropical high pressure(extent,intensity,ridge line,north side),the India Burma trough,Tibet plateau,India subtropical high area index showed significant increase in 1961—2013,which may be the reasons for the surface temperature change of Yunnan Province.
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期111-121,397,共12页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家自然科学基金"滇东岩溶高原峰林湖盆水资源枯竭机制研究"(41261007)
关键词 云南省 地面温度 时空变化 影响因素 Yunnan Province surface temperature temporal and spatial characteristics influence factor
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