
陕西省城市绿色发展水平时空演变及障碍因子分析 被引量:15

Spatial-temporal Evolution of Urban Green Development Level and Its Obstacle Factors in Shaanxi Province
摘要 为了深入了解陕西省城市绿色发展状况,为指导陕西省城市绿色发展提供有益参考,构建了评价城市绿色发展水平的指标体系,以陕西省10个地级城市2008—2016年面板数据为基础,运用TOPSIS模型和障碍度模型对陕西省城市绿色发展水平时空演变特征及障碍因子做了分析。结果表明:(1)整体上看,2008—2016年陕西省10个地级城市的绿色发展处于中等水平,演变趋势以波动上升为主。各市水平的提升幅度差异较大,水平演变轨迹表现为多种类型,其中,西安属于高水平稳步提升型,提升幅度达27.7%,榆林属于高水平向较低水平稳步降低型,降低幅度达13.4%。各市之间的水平差距表现出逐渐增大的趋势。(2) 2008—2016年,水平处于第一层次的城市显著减少,第二层次的城市显著增加,逐步演变为西安一市独优的空间格局。水平居后的城市主要聚集在关中东部和陕南东部。(3)各市的主要障碍因子在不同年份变化不大,但各市之间比较,各自的主要障碍因子差异明显。从整体上看,第三产业劳动生产率、第二产业劳动生产率、城市每万人在校大学生数量、公共汽车数量以及城市居民人均可支配收入是制约陕西省城市绿色发展水平最主要的障碍因子。 In order to deeply understand the status of urban green development in Shaanxi Province and provide useful reference for guiding urban green development in Shaanxi Province,we constructed an index system for evaluating the level of urban green development,and based on the panel data of 10 prefecture level cities in Shaanxi Province from 2008 to 2016,analyzed the spatial-temporal evolution of urban green development level in Shaanxi Province and its obstacle factors using TOPSIS model and obstacle degree model.The results are shown as follows.(1)On the whole,from 2008 to 2016,the green development of 10 cities in Shaanxi Province is at a medium level,and the trend of evolution is mainly fluctuating and rising.There are great differences in the level of each city,and there are many types of horizontal evolution trajectories.Among them,Xi′an belongs to the type of high-level steadily rising,with an increase of 27.7%,Yulin belongs to the type of steadily decreasing from high-level to low-level,with a decrease of 13.4%.The level gap between cities shows a trend of increasing gradually.(2)From 2008 to 2016,the number of cities at the first level decreased significantly,while the number of cities at the second level increased significantly,which evolved into a unique spatial pattern in Xi′an City.The backward cities are mainly concentrated in the east of Guanzhong and Southern Shaanxi Province.(3)The main obstacle factors of each city have little change in different years,but there are obvious differences among different cities.On the whole,the tertiary industry labour productivity,the secondary labour industry productivity,the number of college and university students per 10 000 urban residents,the number of buses per 10 000 urban residents and the per capita disposable income of urban households are the most important obstacle factors to Shaanxi′s urban green development.
作者 李文正 刘宇峰 张晓露 邓晨晖 LI Wenzheng;LIU Yufeng;ZHANG Xiaolu;DENG Chenhui(College of Resources and Environment&Historical Culture,Xianyang Normal University,Xianyang,Shaanxi 712000,China)
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期280-289,共10页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 陕西省教育厅重点科学研究计划项目(16JZ088) 陕西省社科界重大理论与现实问题研究项目(2019Z168) 咸阳师范学院专项科研资助项目(XSYK18056)
关键词 城市绿色发展 时空演变 TOPSIS 障碍因子 陕西省 urban green development spatial-temporal evolution TOPSIS obstacle factor Shaanxi Province
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