
Implementing deviation and effects of disaster-induced immigration policy:A case study of southern Shaanxi area

Implementing deviation and effects of disaster-induced immigration policy:A case study of southern Shaanxi area
摘要 Immigration issue is one of the major problems in China today.The implementation of disasterinduced immigration policy is a significant contributor to effectively promote targeted measures of helping people in contiguous poor areas with particular difficulties to be out of poverty.Empirical investigation has been conducted to get a systematic grasp of the implementation deviation of massive disaster-induced immigration phenomenon in southern Shaanxi area.According to the survey,phenomenon of "immigrate the rich,while abandoning the poor,more houses with fewer immigrants,four moves and four drops,poor spot choosing and relaxed project management" demands improvement of execution ability.The implementation of such public policy has a large space to improve.Enough attention should be paid to the negative impact of such deviation,and only in this way can we live up to the desired objectives. Immigration issue is one of the major problems in China today.The implementation of disasterinduced immigration policy is a significant contributor to effectively promote targeted measures of helping people in contiguous poor areas with particular difficulties to be out of poverty.Empirical investigation has been conducted to get a systematic grasp of the implementation deviation of massive disaster-induced immigration phenomenon in southern Shaanxi area.According to the survey,phenomenon of 'immigrate the rich,while abandoning the poor,more houses with fewer immigrants,four moves and four drops,poor spot choosing and relaxed project management' demands improvement of execution ability.The implementation of such public policy has a large space to improve.Enough attention should be paid to the negative impact of such deviation,and only in this way can we live up to the desired objectives.
出处 《Ecological Economy》 2015年第4期355-367,共13页 生态经济(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Social Science Fond of China(Grant No.13XSH031) Shaanxi Key Theoretical & Realistic Projects of Social Science Research Foundation(Grant No.2015Z023) Shaanxi Agricultural Collaborative Innovation and Promotion Alliance Foundation(Grant No.LM2015015) the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.2013RWYB09)
关键词 IMMIGRATION RELOCATION disaster-induced IMMIGRATION implementation deviation effect immigration relocation disaster-induced immigration implementation deviation effect
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