
臭氧杀藻特性试验研究 被引量:9

Study on the effectiveness and mutagenicity of algae-killing with ozone
摘要 对臭氧的杀藻效能以及杀藻后水样的致突变性进行了系统研究,结果表明:当要求的叶绿素去除率较低时,投加低浓度O3化气体臭氧需要量少。一定浓度的O3化气体,在叶绿素达到一定去除率后,增加O3投加量,叶绿素增加幅度不大;O3杀藻后不会使水样中有机浓集物的致突变性增加;藻体细胞的细胞壁结构与藻类的杀灭有很大关系。蓝藻等类似于细菌的藻类容易被杀灭,而细胞壁结构比较坚固的藻类如绿藻、硅藻则不容易被杀灭。 The effectiveness of algae-killing and the mutagenicity of the t reated water by ozone have been studied.The results show that:If the removal r ate of chloraphyll(a)(Chla)is controlled to be low(no more than60%),th e O 3 dose of low concentration is less than that of high concentration.When the rate arrives at a certain level in one O 3 concentration,its increase range is small while increasing the dose of O 3 ;The mutagenicity of organic ex-tracts in the treated water could not be i ncreased after algae-killing by O 3 ;The structure of algae cell wall is re-lated to the algae-killing by O 3 .Cyanophyta,which is analogous to bacterium is ease to be killed,while to such algae as Chlorophyta,Bacillariophyta,whose cell wall is solid,it is har d to be killed.
机构地区 山东大学
出处 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 2003年第9期55-57,共3页 Industrial Water Treatment
基金 中日合作项目(003150103) 山东省自然科学基金(Y2000B01)
关键词 臭氧 杀藻特性 致突变性 叶绿素 细胞 蓝藻 饮用水 水处理 ozone chloraphyll(a) removal rate mutagenicity
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