

A Comparative Study on “What Is Valued in War Is Victory, Not Prolonged Operations” Initiated by Sun Zi and the “Protracted War” Initiated by Mao Zedong
摘要 《孙子兵法·作战篇》讲:"兵贵胜,不贵久。"古今译者多将"胜"解释为"速胜",其重点在"速"。毛泽东写《论持久战》,从《孙子兵法》该文句中看到的着重点是"胜"。胜可胜于"速",也可胜于"久"。胜于"速"则要速战速决,胜于"久"则是持久战,靠持久取胜。胜于"速"和胜于"久",是矛盾的两个方面,是两种相互作用的反制措施。第二次世界大战,苏联对付德国,中国对付日本,都是以持久战取胜。胜于"速"和胜于"久"又是相互依赖、相互转化的,毛泽东《论持久战》讲,"战略可以持久,但战术还靠速决。" In the chapter of 'Waging Ware' of The Art of War, Sun Zi asserted that 'What is valued in war is victory, not prolonged operations.' Most ancient and modern translators interpret 'victory' as 'rapid victory,' which lays stress on 'rapid.' When writing On Protracted War, what emphasis Mao Zedong saw in this sentence in The Art of War was 'victory,' which could be won with either 'rapid way' or 'protracted way.' Winning victory with 'rapid way' means adopting a blitzkrieg strategy and winning the victory with a 'protracted way' means fighting a 'protracted war.'Winning victory in 'rapid way' or 'protracted way' are the two sides of contradiction, which make up two measures countering each other. During period of the World War II, the Soviet Union fought against Germany and China fought against Japan. Both the Soviet Union and China won the victories with protracted way. Wining the victory with 'rapid way' and winning the victory with 'protracted way' rely on each other and can be transformed each other. In On Protracted War, Mao Zedong said that 'The strategy can be protracted. But the tactics rely on the rapid way.'
作者 王廷文
出处 《孙子研究》 2015年第5期22-27,共6页 Sunzi Studies
关键词 《孙子兵法》 “兵贵胜 不贵久” 速胜《论持久战》 胜于“速”胜于“久” The Art of War 'What Is Valued in War Is Victory Not Prolonged Operations' On Protracted War Wining Victory with Either 'Rapid Way' Or 'Protracted Way'
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