

Review of the Research and Application of The Art of War in Japan from the Cultural Angle
摘要 作为一个岛国,日本长期处于世界文明的边缘。其在近代以前,主要是靠吸收中华优秀文化而发展的;但自明治维新以后,其实行"脱亚入欧"的政策,完全接受了西方列强的价值观念和文化理念,军事思想发生了很大变化:在战争观方面,日本崇尚武力,把依靠武力进行扩张和掠夺作为基本国策;在战略思维层面,其只见局部不见整体,关注作战理论而忽视对战争基本问题的研究;在战争道义问题上,则迷信神道,迷信丛林法则和强盗理论,缺乏人道主义精神,残忍嗜杀,热衷掳掠。所以,在日本,《孙子兵法》的研究与应用其实并未真正深入和扩展到主流社会,多数政治家、军事家也并未真正领会孙子思想的精髓,孙子及其思想的影响十分微弱。 As an island country, for a long time Japan used to be located at marginal area of the world civilization. Before the modern times, Japan developed by mainly learning from the excellent Chinese culture. However, after the Meiji Reformation in 1868, Japan implemented the policy of getting rid of Asia and accessing Europe. By wholly accepting the values and cultural ideas of the western countries, great changes took place in Japan's military thinking. As far as the outlook on war is concerned, Japan started to advocate military force and took resorting to military force to launch expansion and robbery as its basic national policy. With respect to strategic thinking, Japan attached great importance to theories and neglected the research on the basic issues concerning war. In terms of the morality and justice concerning war, Japan believed in Shinto as well as the laws of jungle and gangster logic and lacked humanism spirit, which made Japan enthusiastic in massacres and robbery. As a result, the research and application of The Art of War did not penetrate into the mainstream society. Many politicians and military strategists did not really understand the essence of Sun Zi's thinking. So the influence of Sun Zi and his thinking in Japan were very poor.
作者 吴学文
出处 《孙子研究》 2015年第5期76-80,93,共6页 Sunzi Studies
关键词 文化 日本 孙子研究 Culture Japan Research on Sun Zi
分类号 E892 [军事]
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