
不忘初心走好新长征路 赓续传承当好红军传人

Stay True to the Mission and Well Follow the New Long March Road to Continue the Traditions to Act as Qualified Inheritors of the Red Army
摘要 传承长征精神,不忘初心,走好新长征路,就要做到:不忘红军将士"革命理想高于天"的信仰之心;不忘红军将士"只要跟党走,一定能胜利"的忠诚之心;不忘红军将士"独立自主、实事求是"的求实之心;不忘红军将士"心系民族,为国为民"的赤子之心;不忘红军将士"一不怕苦,二不怕死"的奋斗之心;不忘红军将士"风雨同舟、生死相依、官兵互爱、军民团结"的友爱之心;不忘红军将士"令行禁止、严守纪律"的律己之心;不忘红军将士"灵活机动,以少胜多"的制胜之心。 To continue spirit of the Long March,stay true to the mission and well follow the new Long March road,we should act as the follows.never forget the faith of 'revolutionary wish is higher than the heaven' held by the officers and soldiers of the Red Army.never forget the loyalty of 'Only if follow the CPC,we will surely win the victory' held by the officers and soldiers of the Red Army.never forget the matter-of-fact spirit of 'be independent and realistic' held by the officers and soldiers of the Red Army.never forget the utter innocence of 'have the well-being of the nation at heart and for the state and the people' held by the officers and soldiers of the Red Army.never forget the struggle spirit of 'fear neither hardship nor death' held by the officers and soldiers of the Red Army.never forget the friendship and love of 'stand together regardless of situation,stick together in life and death,offices and soldiers care for each other,and army and people unite together' held by the officers and soldiers of the Red Army.never forget the discipline of 'strict enforcement of orders and bans,and strictly obey disciplines' held by officers and soldiers of the Red Army.never forget the winning strategy of 'be flexible and defeat with a force inferior in number' held by the officers and soldiers of the Red Army.
作者 赵承凤
出处 《孙子研究》 2016年第6期10-20,共11页 Sunzi Studies
关键词 不忘初心 新长征路 红军传人 Stay True to the Mission New Long March Road Inheritors of the Red Army
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