

Classical Application of the Stratagem Wisdom in The Art of War to the Great Cause of Army Building
摘要 回顾中国人民解放军从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强、从胜利走向胜利的光辉历史,我们不仅能够清楚地看到中国共产党领导下的人民军队在淬炼红色基因中不断成长壮大、在薪火传承中永葆蓬勃生机的辉煌之路,也能够看到人民军队从中华民族的武经宝典《孙子兵法》中汲取治军、强军、克敌制胜的兵学智慧,创造了一个个以弱胜强、以劣胜优的光辉战例,谱写了波澜壮阔的战争史诗。一、上兵伐谋,战略制胜;战略指导的神妙是我军决战决胜的关键。二、上下同欲,唯民是保;军民团结、与众相得是我军胜利之本。三、令文齐武,法令孰行。军规如铁、执纪如钢是我军克敌制胜的法宝。四、诸刿之勇,死且不北;一不怕苦、二不怕死是战胜强敌的精神利刃。五、上智用间,必成大功;五间俱起、先知敌情是克敌制胜的密码。六、车杂而乘之,卒善而养之。取敌之利、以战养战是胜敌益强的重要保障。七、十则围之,五则攻之。以众击寡、以镒称铢、集中兵力打歼灭战是以弱胜强的诀窍。 Looking back on the glorious history of the People's Liberation Army(PLA) featured in growing out of nothing, developing from small to large, expanding from poor to strong, and continuous achieving victories, we not only can see the splendid road of the PLA constantly growing up and continuously maintaining vigorous in the red gene and under the leadership of the CPC, but also can see that the PLA has absorbed wisdom from The Art of War, which is a classical military strategy work, to direct and strengthen the troops. The glorious warfare cases featured in beating the powerful force with a weak force of the PLA have created a magnificent ware epic. First, the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy's plans and victories should be won by strategies. Ingenious strategic direction is the key to the victories of the PLA. Second, he will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks. The general's thought should be to protect his country. Unity of the army and the people as well as mutual gain between the leaders and the ordinary people make up the foundation for the PLA to achievement victories. Third, soldiers must be treated in the first instance with humanity, but kept under control by means of iron discipline. On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced ? Military discipline is as hard as iron and military discipline implementation is as firm as steel. That is the main and effective method for the PLA to gain mastery over the enemy. Fourth, being thrown into a situation where there is no escape, the army will display the immortal courage of brave warriors undaunted in the face of death. Fearing neither hardship nor death is the powerful weapon to overcome the powerful enemy. Fifth, using the most intelligent people as spies can achieve great results. Using five sorts of spies and knowing the enemy's information beforehand is the key to overcome the enemy. Sixth, the captured chariots should be mingled and used in conjunction with ours. The captured soldiers should be kindly treated and kept. Capturing the enemy's advantage and supporting warfare with warfare is the important guarantee to overcome the enemy. Seventh, it is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy's one, to surround him; if five to one, to attack him. Using many to strike few, a victorious army opposed to a routed one, and concentrating the army force for a war of annihilation is the success secret of overcoming the powerful army with the weak army.
作者 赵承凤
出处 《孙子研究》 2017年第5期9-15,共7页 Sunzi Studies
关键词 孙子兵法 谋略智慧 建军伟业 经典运用 The Art of War Stratagem Wisdom Great Cause of Army Building Classical Application
分类号 E892 [军事]
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