
北上抗日:红军长征的强大动力和坚定目标 被引量:1

Anti-Japanese in the North: the Great Motive and Firm Goal for the Red Army's Long March
摘要 从抗日层面审视,红军长征大致可分为担当使命、最早坚决对日宣战,先遣北上、充当抗日救国先锋,与时俱进、适时调整抗日政策,奠基西北、开创全国抗日新局等4个阶段。九一八事变后,"抗日救国"成为中国革命运动的主旋律,中国共产党是全国所有党派中主张"对日宣战"最早、最坚决的政党。北上抗日,是中国革命局势发展的民族大义呼唤和必然选择,是顺应中国革命战略重心由南方向北方转移的正确抉择,是引领红军长征走向胜利的根本动力。红军长征北上抗日,以实际行动来证明自己是真正抗日的人民队伍,是中国民族革命战争的先锋队,是推动全民族抗日运动发展的中坚力量,显示了中国共产党及其领导的红军对中华民族救亡图存的重大历史责任感和使命担当。 From the perspective of Anti- Japanese,the Red Army's Long March could be divided into four phases: undertaking the task to declare war against Japan firstly and firmly; arriving at the North first to be pioneers for resisting Japan and saving the nation; advancing with the times to adjust the policy of anti- Japanese; laying a foundation at Northwest to create a new situation for nation- wide anti- Japanese. After the September 18 th Incident,resisting Japan and saving the nation became the theme of Chinese revolutionary movement. The Communist Party of China( CPC)was the first political party who declared war against Japan firmly. Anti- Japanese in the north was the calling for overall national interest and necessary choice of the development of Chinese revolutionary situation; was the right choice for conforming to the Chinese revolution's strategic focus shift from the South to the North; and was the basic power leading the Red Army's Long March to victory.The Red Army went north to resist against Japanese,proving that it was a real people's party for anti- Japanese by practical action,the pioneers for Chinese national revolutionary war,and the dominant force in promoting the development of the whole nation's anti- Japanese movement. It demonstrated that the CPC and its Red Army had undertaken the major historical responsibility and mission of the Chinese national salvation.
作者 吴明刚
出处 《苏区研究》 2016年第5期41-50,共10页
关键词 红军长征 北上抗日 前进动力 坚定目标 the Red Army's Long March anti-Japanese in the north momentum firm goal
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