
守宫砂——一種民俗事象的信仰原理及流變考察 被引量:1

A Study on the Principle and Transmission of Shougong Sha
摘要 守宫砂作爲驗視女子是否貞潔的方術,其產生與我國古代男權社會下對子嗣血胤純潔的訴求、戰國末期以來方士煉丹長生之說的流行,以及秦代整飭社會風氣的時代背景有關。古代方術家從守宫與女子生存環境相合出發,結合守宫一詞所蘊含'能守其心'、可'防嫌淫逸'的意思,依據'同能致同'的相似律巫術法則,賦予該物驗視女子是否有房室之事的特異靈力。守宫砂在秦漢時期主要載於方術家神仙志怪之書,魏晉時期進入醫典,隋唐時期爲一般文人士子所識,宋明時期的流傳呈現出多元的狀態,並對後世民俗文化及文學創作產生深遠的影響。 Shougong Sha(守宫砂)is a kind of witchcraft drug with the function of checking women’s chastity. Its appearance is relevant with the pursuit of Chinese ancient patriarchal society of descendants’ blood purity, the popularization of alchemist in the late Warring States period, and the renovation of social customs in the Qin Dynasty. Shougong Sha is mainly composed of gecko and cinnabar. The ancient alchemists recognized that gecko had the same living environment as women did. Based on the similar rules of witchcraft, they endowed gecko a special function of checking women’s chastity. Cinnabar is with bright color and the function of making the mind quiet and avoiding the evil. Thus the combination of gecko and cinnabar can be used to check a women’s chastity.Shougong Sha was mainly recorded in the tales of supernatural ghost in Qin and Han Dynasty. With the development of herbal pharmacology in Wei and Jin Dynasty, Shougong Sha entered medical books. During Sui and Tang Dynasties,with the development of imperial examination system, it was noticed by general intellectuals. During Song and Ming Dynasties, with the improvement of academic system, the development of printing technology and the popularization of NeoConfucianism, Shougong Sha spread with diversified characteristics and exerted an important impact on folk culture and literature of future generations.
作者 吕亞虎 Lü Yahu
出处 《中国俗文化研究》 2017年第2期143-159,共17页 Studies on Folk Literature
基金 教育部人文社會科學研究西部項目“出土簡帛文獻與中國早期術數信仰研究”(16XJA770003) 陝西省社科基金項目“出土簡帛文獻所見術數信仰研究”(2016H004)
关键词 守宫砂 方術 時代背景 信仰原理 流傳情況 Shougong Sha alchemy historical background belief principle transmission situation
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