For a long time it has been reported that cells susceptible to poliovirusinfection only limited to primates.Weused the established Muntiacus mun-tjak lung diploid cell line (KIZ-7901)to study the biological effects of po-liovirus on the cells being infected withthem.The results showed that chro-mosome aberration rates of the cellsinfected with 100 TCD_(50) of the virusper cell were 9.0—14.7%,while thecontrol cells were only 3 %.Chromosome aberration types included chro-mosome and chromatid break,chromo-some fragment,dicentric chromosome,ring chromosome,interchange,trans-location,deletion and chromosomelysis.The broken sites mainly focused on the secondary constriction ofNO.1 chromosome and NO.3 chromo-some.It was found by the SCE analysis that all of the six virus strainsinduced significant higher SCE rates(11.04—13.62±0.48—0.64/cell) thanthat of the control (9.23±0.53/cell).No CPE was found after virus infection and no inhibition of cell divisionand proliferation as well.However,the infections virus particles appearedin the infected cells.The typicalacidophilic inclusion bodies and fluorescent positive cells including poliovirusantigen were found in some of theinfected cells.By using electromi-croscope examination,the virus-likeparticles with a diameter of about30nm scattering arround in plasmasmyelin figures and secondary lyso-somes were seen.It is thus clearlyindicated that poliovirus could produce a strong cell genetic effect andleads to nonkilling-cell infection inMuntiacus muntjak cells.