
空气质量模型在规划环评中的应用案例 被引量:2

Environmental Impact Assessment of a Planned Project Using an Air Quality Model
摘要 通过CAMx模型对某工业园区的规划项目进行了实际案例研究,模拟了该规划项目对评价区域内PM_(2.5)和O_3的环境影响。结果表明,规划项目对区域O_3的最大影响出现在O_3污染高发时段7月,O_3小时浓度最大可增加12μg/m^3左右,日最大8小时平均浓度最大可增加2μg/m^3左右;规划项目对区域PM_(2.5)的最大影响基本上出现在PM_(2.5)污染高发时段秋冬季,PM_(2.5)小时浓度最大可增加20μg/m^3左右,日均浓度最大可增加5μg/m^3左右,年均浓度最大可增加2μg/m^3左右。通过与模拟的区域PM_(2.5)和O_3本底值叠加可以看出,规划项目对所在评价区域内O_3的影响满足空气质量标准,但PM_(2.5)年均浓度区域本底值已超过国家空气质量二级标准(35μg/m^3)。 The influence of a planned project emissions on regional PM2.5 and O3 concentrations was studied.The modeling results show that the largest impact from the planned project on ground O3 occurs in July,with the highest hourly concentration increment of 12μg/m3 and maximum daily 8-h concentration increment of 2μg/m3.It also shows that the largest impact from the planned project on ground PM2.5 happens in winter,with highest hourly concentration increment of 20μg/m3,the highest daily concentration increment of 5μg/m3,and the highest annual concentration increment of 2μg/m3.The added-up O3 concentration attains the national ambient air quality standards(NAAQS);however,the regional background PM2.5 concentrations has already violated the NAAQS,requiring emission adjustment and reduction measures from the planned project.
作者 杜晓惠 李洋 唐伟 丁峰 易爱华 孟凡 DU Xiaohui;LI Yang;TANG Wei;DING Feng;YI Aihua;MENG Fan(Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,Beijing100012,China;Water Science Research Institute,Beijing Normal University,Beijing100875,China;Appraisal Center for Environment and Engineering,Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Beijing100012,China)
出处 《环境影响评价》 2019年第2期10-15,23,共7页 Environmental Impact Assessment
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(No.2016YFC0208905)
关键词 环境影响评价 数值模拟 来源贡献解析 PM2.5 O3 environmental impact assessment atmospheric modeling source apportionment PM2.5 O3
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