
Problems of Lifts in Symplectic Geometry

Problems of Lifts in Symplectic Geometry
摘要 Let(M,ω)be a symplectic manifold.In this paper,the authors consider the notions of musical(bemolle and diesis)isomorphisms ω~b:T M→T~*M and ω~?:T~*M→TM between tangent and cotangent bundles.The authors prove that the complete lifts of symplectic vector field to tangent and cotangent bundles is ω~b-related.As consequence of analyze of connections between the complete lift ~cω_(T M )of symplectic 2-form ω to tangent bundle and the natural symplectic 2-form dp on cotangent bundle,the authors proved that dp is a pullback o f^cω_(TM)by ω~?.Also,the authors investigate the complete lift ~cφ_T~*_M )of almost complex structure φ to cotangent bundle and prove that it is a transform by ω~?of complete lift^cφ_(T M )to tangent bundle if the triple(M,ω,φ)is an almost holomorphic A-manifold.The transform of complete lifts of vector-valued 2-form is also studied. Let(M,ω)be a symplectic manifold.In this paper,the authors consider the notions of musical(bemolle and diesis)isomorphisms ω~b:T M→T~*M and ω~?:T~*M→TM between tangent and cotangent bundles.The authors prove that the complete lifts of symplectic vector field to tangent and cotangent bundles is ω~b-related.As consequence of analyze of connections between the complete lift ~cω_(T M )of symplectic 2-form ω to tangent bundle and the natural symplectic 2-form dp on cotangent bundle,the authors proved that dp is a pullback o f^cω_(TM)by ω~?.Also,the authors investigate the complete lift ~cφ_T~*_M )of almost complex structure φ to cotangent bundle and prove that it is a transform byω~?of complete lift^cφ_(T M )to tangent bundle if the triple(M,ω,φ)is an almost holomorphic A-manifold.The transform of complete lifts of vector-valued 2-form is also studied.
出处 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第3期321-330,共10页 数学年刊(B辑英文版)
关键词 Symplectic MANIFOLD TANGENT BUNDLE Cotangent BUNDLE Transform of TENSOR fields PULLBACK Pure TENSOR HOLOMORPHIC MANIFOLD Symplectic manifold Tangent bundle Cotangent bundle Transform of tensor fields Pullback Pure tensor Holomorphic manifold
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