Denote by C the space of continuous functions defined on the l-dimensional Euclidean space R_l, and by C the subspace of C spanned by the funetions with limit zero at infinity. In this paper, we consider the differential expression (in general, unsymmetric and with unbounded coefficients) We have proved that G induces a closed operator A on a subspace C of C(C C C). A is shown to satisfy the Hille-yosida conditions, so it generates a contraction semigroup T_t on C.If the ergodic limit of Γ_tf(x) does not vanish (theorem 5), it can be proved that T_t possesses an invariant measure θ(dx) and is ergodie in the sense of L_p(θ(dx)). The semigroup T_t is also shown to have a Markov transition function p(t, x, Γ) which furnishes the basis for constructing a Markov process.
Acta Mathematica Sinica:Chinese Series