
ZG20SiMn铸钢的应变疲劳行为研究 被引量:1

Research on strain fatigue behavior of ZG20SiMn cast steel
摘要 为了深入理解ZG20SiMn铸钢在应变疲劳期间的循环变形及断裂行为,在应变控制模式下针对ZG20SiMn铸钢的疲劳行为进行了研究.结果表明,在应变控制的加载模式下,ZG20SiMn铸钢可表现为循环硬化和循环稳定特征,主要取决于外加总应变幅的高低,且其弹性应变幅、塑性应变幅与疲劳断裂时的载荷反向周次之间表现为单斜率线性行为.透射电镜分析结果表明,ZG20SiMn的疲劳变形机制主要为波状滑移机制.扫描电镜分析结果表明,在不同的外加总应变幅下,疲劳裂纹均以穿晶方式萌生于ZG20SiMn铸钢试样表面,并以穿晶方式扩展. In order to understand the cyclic deformation and fracture behaviors of ZG20SiMn cast steel,the fatigue behavior of ZG20SiMn cast steel was investigared under the strain-controlled mode. The experimental results showthat under the strain-controlled loading mode,the ZG20SiMn cast steel can exhibit the cyclic strain hardening and cyclic stability,which mainly depends on the imposed total strain amplitude. For the ZG20SiMn cast steel,the relation between the reversals to failure and the elastic strain amplitude or plastic strain amplitude shows a single slope of linear behavior,respectively. The analysis results with transmission electron microscope( TEM) reveal that the fatigue deformation mechanism of ZG20SiMn cast steel is the wavy slip mechanism. The analysis results on the fatigue fracture surfaces of ZG20SiMn cast steel with scanning electron microscope( SEM) reveal that at different total strain amplitudes,the fatigue cracks initiate at the free surface of fatgiue specimen in a transgranular mode,and then propagate in a transgranular mode.
出处 《沈阳工业大学学报》 EI CAS 北大核心 2014年第6期657-661,共5页 Journal of Shenyang University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会钢铁联合基金重点项目(51134010)
关键词 ZG20SiMn铸钢 应变疲劳 疲劳寿命 疲劳变形 疲劳断裂 循环应力响应 变形机制 波状滑移 ZG20SiMn cast steel strain fatigue fatigue life fatigue deformation fatigue fracture cyclic stress response deformation mechanism wavy slip
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