明确聚驱见效特征,能为聚驱工业区更有针对性的配套跟踪调整提供依据,在油田开发中具有重要意义。对区块以采出井为中心进行井组分类,应用数据统计方式,分析分类井的见效特征,找出各见效特征的相关因素。分析认为:控制储量或含油饱和度越大,含水低值期越长;改注700万聚合物可有效抑制产液指数降幅;经措施改造后,CD类井也可以获取较高的产量,其应作为AB类措施潜力井的后备井采用;为防止先见聚后见效,应控制注聚初期注采压差在4.7 MPa以下,以便获得较高采收率。
To clarify the effective characteristics of polymer flooding can provide a basis for more targeted follow-up and adjustment of polymer flooding industrial zones, and is of great significance in oilfield development. Taking the production wells as the center, the wells in this block are classified, the effective characteristics of various wells are found out, and the relevant factors of the effective characteristics are found out through statistical analysis of data. The results show that the more reasonable the reserves is controlled or the larger the oil saturation is, the longer the low water cut period is;injecting the polymer of 7 million can effectively inhibit the decline of liquid production index;C and D types of wells can also obtain higher production after polymer injection, which should be used as reserve wells for Class A and B potential wells;in order to ensure good polymer flooding effect and achieve higher recovery factor, the pressure difference between injection and production should be controlled below 4.7 MPa in the initial stage of polymer injection.
Technology Supervision in Petroleum Industry
polymer flooding
classification of oil wells
effective characteristic
influence factor