1979~1984年间,先后在七个牛场进行了乳牛营养代谢状态的监视研究。确定的监视规范包括:实验室指标11项(9项主要项目,2项辅助项目)、临床指标及可参考的饲养管理资料。采用上述三方面的材料加以综合判定。用该规范可对某一牛群进行定期或随时地监测,以揭示牛群亚临床水平的蛋白质、碳水化合物、钙磷及维生素 A 缺乏状态。研究结果表明,应用规范可早期有效监视牛群的营养代谢状态;并用它指导一个牛场的生产,初步取得明显的经济效益。
The study on monitoring nutritional and metabolic status of dairy cattle was carried out on seven cattle farms in 1979~1984. The monitoring standards established included:11 laboratory indexes (9 primary and 2 supplementary),clinical data and the data on feeding and management.The materials were analyzed.Any dairy cattle herd could be monitored reqularly or at all times by the method in order to reveal subclinical nutrtional and metabolic profile including proteins, carbohydrates,calcium,phosphorus and vitamin A. The results showed that the standards could be used to monitor effectively the nutritional and metabolic state of dairy cattle herd at the early stage.The economic benefit was satisfactory on one farm adopting the standard.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University