
外圣内王与中古早期编年史的叙述复兴 被引量:1

Outer Sanctity and Inner Monarchy and the Revival of Narration in Chronicles in the Early Middle Ages
摘要 与基督教早期编年史相比较,中古早期编年史有继承也有创新。在前者以计时为主的文体特性之外,拉丁语西部和东部希腊语地区的中古早期历史学家们都逐渐利用基督教编年史来记载帝王的功业。以《法兰克王国编年史》为例。这部编年史通过采纳严格的基督纪年年代,并以复活节和圣诞节两大宗教节日作为每年叙事的起始文句,从而创造了一种神圣的文体形式。在此框架之内,作者通过记载加洛林君王所做的符合基督教政治道德理想的事件,刻画了理想化的加洛林基督教君王形象。因此,一种外圣内王式的基督教编年史于是形成。 Examining the medieval chronicles’new features under the Christian influence,we could find out that the Latin historians in the West and the Byzantine historians recorded deeds of kings by Christian chronicles.Take the The Royal Frankish Chronicle(Annales regni Francorum)for example,it particularly set events of the royal house within a framework characterized by the strict chronology of AD.together with the two major Christian festivals:Christmas day and Easter.As a result,Carolingian historians seemingly adopted a holy form to record the deeds of ideal Christian kings,and portrayed ideal Carolingian kings in chronicles.In the early medieval chronicles,Christian idea was compatible to the political,military and religious events.
作者 李隆国 Li Longguo
出处 《史学史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期74-86,共13页 Journal of Historiography
基金 国家社科基金项目“加洛林王朝后期的政治与政治思想研究”(项目编号:18BSS024)阶段性成果
关键词 编年史 《法兰克王国编年史》 《弗里德伽编年史及其续编》 Chronicles The Royal Frankish Chronicle Fredegar’s Chronicle and its Continuations
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