
论“双一流”背景下大学国际化活动的分类评估——基于知识—国家—文化的动因视角 被引量:1

Classified Evaluation of International Activities of Universities under the Background of “Double First-Class”——From the Perspective of Motivation of Knowledge—Country—Culture
摘要 现代大学在其意图、取向、使命方面无法化约为单一的向度,既有其寻求知识、追求真理方面的内在驱动力,也有其特定的政治、经济、社会文化方面的背景与要求。与此相平行,大学的国际化活动同样有其知识、政治、经济、社会文化等多方面的诉求与驱动力。基于此,有必要从知识、国家、文化三个动因视角出发,对"双一流"背景下我国大学国际化活动进行分类评估。在量化评估体系中无差别的指标累计背后,实则有质的差别。通过分类评估,能够突破大学国际化质量评估体系的量化倾向,改变质量评估只是一系列量化指标之堆砌的结果,从而在对我国大学国际化水平的衡量中更具有针对性与适恰性。 Modern universities cannot be simplified to a single dimension in terms of their intentions,orientations and missions.They don’t only have their inherent driving forces in seeking knowledge and truth,but also have their specific political,economic,social and cultural backgrounds and requirements.Meanwhile,the international activities of universities also have their demands and driving forces in knowledge,politics,economy,society and culture.From the perspective of knowledge,national will,cultural inheritance and dissemination,this paper classifies and evaluates the international activities of Chinese Universities under the background of'double first-class'.There are qualitative differences behind the cumulative indices of indifference in the quantitative evaluation system.Through classified evaluation,we can break through the quantitative tendency of the evaluation system about the quality of international activities of universities,and change the situation that the evaluation is only the result of a series of quantitative indicators,so as to have more pertinence and appropriateness in the measurement of the level of the international activities of Chinese universities.
作者 张琦 Zhang Qi(College of Humanities and Law,Northeastern University,Shenyang Liaoning 110169)
出处 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第2期101-106,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目(L18AZZ001)
关键词 大学国际化 知识—国家—文化 动因 分类评估 internationalization of universities knowledge—country—culture motivation classified evaluation
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