
经络穴位抚触护理新生儿随机平行对照研究 被引量:3

The Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Channels and Collaterals Acupuncture Point Touch Nursing Newborns Random Parallel Control Study
摘要 [目的]观察经络穴位抚触护理新生儿效果。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将100例住院患者按抽签随机分为两组。对照组50例采用普通的新生儿护理模式,例如日常体温测定、洗澡、生命体征观察等。护理组50例中医经络穴位按摩抚触护理。头部抚触按摩:仰卧床上,拇指内侧从婴儿前额中央向两边滑动,至耳后处停止。动作轻柔,滑动过程中可轻轻按压。胸部按摩:两手成叉,从胸部外下方开始,称分推腹阴阳。腹部抚触:掌心面向肚脐,按顺时针方向绕脐揉腹运内八卦约3min;四肢按摩:轻轻握住婴儿上肢,从一端向另一端滑动,滑动过程中伴随轻按,四肢按摩方式相同,轻捏婴儿足三里穴位。背部按摩:俯卧,手平放于脊柱两侧,指尖滑动按摩脊柱两侧肌肉,从颈部顺着脊柱方向滑动按摩,以腰骶部一直循督脉提捏(按3次,捏拉1次)至大椎穴,反复抚触3~5次。30min/次,2次/d。中医讲究按摩方法轻快,手法平稳中不失柔和,做到快而不乱。穴位按摩过程中应当观察新生儿反应,出现不适症状应及时停止。连续护理7d为1疗程。观测护理疗效、摄奶量、体重、行为神经测评(NBNA)、不良反应。连续护理1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]护理组新生儿摄奶量和NBNA评分显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。[结论]中医经络穴位抚触护理新生儿效果显著,值得推广。 [Objective]To observe the clinical effect of traditional Chinese medicine channels and collaterals acupuncture point touch nursing newborns.[Methods]Using random parallel control method,100 cases of hospitalized patients in the draw randomly divided into two groups.Control group of 50 patients with normal newborn care patterns,such as daily bath temperature determination,and observing vital signs,etc.Nursing group of 50 cases of traditional Chinese medicine meridian acupoints according to touch my limbs care.Touch the head massage:lie on your back on the bed,the thumb inside slide on both sides of the central to the forehead,from the baby to stop after ear.Gentle,can be in the process of sliding gently pressed.Chest massage: hands into fork,begin from beneath the chest outside,said push abdomen of Yin and Yang.Abdominal touch: the palm faces the navel,around navel clockwise gossip about 3 min inside knead abdomen luck;Upper limbs: massage gently holding babies,from one end to the other side sliding,sliding along with the light in the process of press,limbs the same massage way,gently knead baby foot three mile point.Back massage:stomach,hands flat on the spine,slide fingertip massage on both sides of the spine muscles,from sliding along the spinal massage,neck in lumbar di ministry has been follow du meridian tyre knead(hold by 3 times,1)to the dazhui acupuncture point,repeatedly touch 3 ~ 5 times.30 min/times,2 times/d.Chinese emphasize massage method is fast,stable technique in do not break gentle,do it fast and not random.Point massage should be observed in the process of neonatal reaction,and discomfort symptoms should be stopped in time.7 d continuous treatment for 1 course of treatment.Clinical curative effect observation,taken milk quantity,weight,behavioral neurological assessment(NBNA),adverse reactions.Continuous treatment 1 treatment course,judge curative effect.[Results]the treatment group the newborn milk taken and NBNA score is significantly higher than control group(P<0.05).[Conclusion]The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine channels and collaterals acupuncture point touch nursing newborns effect is remarkable,is worth promoting.
作者 张立
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2013年第4S期161-162,共2页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 新生儿护理 经络穴位抚触 摄奶量 体重 行为神经测评 Newborn care The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine channels and collaterals acupuncture point touch Taken milk Weight Measurement of the behavioural neuroscientist
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