

Non-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography (NMR) is Used to Diagnose the Clinical Value of Diabetic Lower Extremity Arterial Stenosis
摘要 目的探究非增强型磁共振类血管成像运用到给糖尿病下肢动脉过窄患者予以诊治期间的成效。方法抽取2015年1月-2017年1月来该院就诊的糖尿病下肢动脉过窄患者患者74例,给全部患者予以非增强型磁共振类血管成像加以诊治,探究全部患者经过诊治以后的正确度。结果全部患者经过诊治以后的正确度即98.81%、敏感度即99.21%、特异度即98.41%、阳性测算值即99.60%、阴性测算值即99.21%。结论非增强型磁共振类血管成像运用到给糖尿病下肢动脉过窄患者予以诊治期间具备十分优良的成效,值得大力推行及应用。 Objective To explore the effect of non-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography on the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic lower extremity arteries. Methods From January 2015 to January 2017 to our hospital clinic of diabetic patients with lower extremity artery too narrow, 74 cases of patients, for all treated patients, certain blood vessels to the enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, to explore the accuracy of all patients after treatment. Results The correct degree after diagnosis and treatment was 98.81%, the sensitivity was 99.21%, the specificity was 98.41%, the positive measurement value was 99.60%, the negative measurement value was 99.21%. Conclusion Non-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography has been used in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic lower extremity arteries.
出处 《双足与保健》 2017年第19期110-110,112,共2页 Biped and Health
关键词 糖尿病下肢动脉狭窄 非增强磁共振血管成像 价值 Diabetic lower limb artery stenosis Non-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography Value
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