
低年级小学生家长文化程度和眼保健知识行为状况 被引量:2

Parents' Educational Level and Eye Care Knowledge and Behavior in Lower Grade Pupils
摘要 目的探究低年级小学生家长文化程度和眼保健知识行为的现状。方法选取在该院开展健康检查的儿童50名,对儿童及其家长开展问卷调查,并对问卷调查结果展开统计、分析。结果低年级小学生家长对眼保健知识的掌握程度随文化程度的提升而逐渐呈现升高趋势;家长对用眼卫生情况的重视程度及了解程度同样随文化程度的提升而逐渐呈现升高趋势;家长对眼保健相关知识的了解途径为多种媒体,低年级小学生对眼保健相关知识的了解途径以家长的健康教育为主。结论低年级小学生眼保健相关工作的开展离不开家长的支持与配合,同时家长在儿童眼保健行为中具有重要影响及作用,在对低年级小学生开展眼保健相关工作的过程中应充分考虑家长的重要作用,并对家长开展眼保健健康教育工作,提升其对眼保健相关工作的重视程度及了解程度,确保儿童视力健康发展。 Objective To explore the status quo of low grade pupils parents' education level and eye care knowledge and behavior. Methods In our hospital health examination of 50 cases of children, to carry out the survey of children and their parents, and the results of a questionnaire survey carried out statistical analysis. Results Low grade master degree on health knowledge of parents of elementary school students with the cultural degree and enhance gradually increased;the parents of the eye health of attention and understanding as to enhance the degree of culture gradually increased; way to understand parents eye care knowledge for a variety of media, the lower grade students on health related knowledge.The solution approach to health education of parents. Conclusion Low grade eye care related work cannot do without the support and cooperation of parents, parents also has an important influence and role in eye health behavior of children,in the process of low grade pupils to carry out eye care related work should be fully considered in the important role of parents. To carry out the work of health education for parents and health care, improve the eye care work related to the degree of attention and understanding, to ensure the healthy development of children's vision.
作者 沈玉兰
出处 《双足与保健》 2018年第6期1-2,27,共3页 Biped and Health
关键词 低年级 文化程度 眼保健 知识 行为 Low grade Education level Eye care Knowledge Behavior
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