The adsorption difference of Pb^2_+ and Zn^2+ in sandstone andbreccia of Pb-Zn Mine of Yunnan Province was studied by using moderninstrument analysis method and fractal geometry theory. The resultsshow that the adsorption capacity (Q) of Pb^2+ in this two rocks isbigger than that of Zn^2_+, and Q in various initial concentrationsolutions obeys Freundlich experiential formula. The value of 1/n onthe adsorption PB^2+ and Zn^2+ and Zn^2+ in sandstone hardly has anydifference, But the value of k differs observably.
The adsorption difference of Pb^2_+ and Zn^2+ in sandstone andbreccia of Pb-Zn Mine of Yunnan Province was studied by using moderninstrument analysis method and fractal geometry theory. The resultsshow that the adsorption capacity (Q) of Pb^2+ in this two rocks isbigger than that of Zn^2_+, and Q in various initial concentrationsolutions obeys Freundlich experiential formula. The value of 1/n onthe adsorption PB^2+ and Zn^2+ and Zn^2+ in sandstone hardly has anydifference, But the value of k differs observably.
the Foundation on Predictive Research of Clamber Plan, China: 95-yu-39.3-2,2.