The standard detection hallmarks of apoptosis of Taxus cuspidata cells in suspension culture with Ce 4+ were studied. The condensation and margination of chromatin were observed under the electron microscopy. DNA fragmentation ranged 'DNA ladder' on agarose gel electrophoresis. TdT mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) analysis of the cells reveals that the nuclear DNA strand breaks can be identified by labeling free 3′ OH termini. These results suggest that Ce 4+ can induce apoptosis of Taxus cuspidata cells and also indicate that there is a certain relationship between apoptosis and secondary metabolite product Taxol.
The standard detection hallmarks of apoptosis of Taxus cuspidata cells in suspension culture with Ce 4+ were studied. The condensation and margination of chromatin were observed under the electron microscopy. DNA fragmentation ranged 'DNA ladder' on agarose gel electrophoresis. TdT mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) analysis of the cells reveals that the nuclear DNA strand breaks can be identified by labeling free 3′ OH termini. These results suggest that Ce 4+ can induce apoptosis of Taxus cuspidata cells and also indicate that there is a certain relationship between apoptosis and secondary metabolite product Taxol.
ProjectsupportedbyScienceandTechnologyCommissionofChina (2 99760 3 2 )andTrans CenturyTrainingProgramFoundationforTalentbyStateEducationCommission