现代产权制度的发展已使私有产权与公有产权之间的对立性大为减弱 ,从管理的灵便性来看 ,在公有产权基础上进行土地产权制度改革所拥有的空间要比私有产权大得多。国有土地产权制度完善的要点是建立方便使用权市场运作和日常管理的土地使用者权利体系。农村土地产权制度改革的当务之急是要将集体土地所有权社区化 ,赋予农民的土地承包经营权以较高的物权地位。
The difference between the private nature and public nature is much weakened by the development of modern Land Ownership system, the reformation of which is more flexible than that of the private one. The reformation is to facilitate the operation of the market and the right system. The urgency is to communize the collective ownership and a higher status is given to the peasants who enjoy the contract right.
Journal of Jingmen Technical College