
2.5GHz分布反馈激光器内部参数的实验测量 被引量:4

Extraction of the Parameters of 2.5 GHz DFB-LD Based on the Measurement
摘要 用实验方法对激光器速率方程所涉及的激光器内部参数进行了测定。然后利用该参数 ,通过半导体激光器的大信号速率方程 ,得到它的光输出脉冲波形和啁啾的数值解 ,对模拟结果与测量结果进行比较 。 The semiconductor laser rate equations are rewritten using a new set of parameters which can all be found from steady state and small signal measurements on the laser. Procedures for finding these parameters are described. Parameters have been measured on 1537.5 nm DFB laser. Comparison between large signal measurements and simulations using the measured parameters shows in general good agreement for modulation currents sufficiently above threshold.
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期485-488,共4页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
关键词 激光技术 速率方程 半导体激光器 啁啾 Lasers Measurements Modulation
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