春尺蠖羽化发蛾特性研究表明 ,发蛾期与气温密切相关。邻近城区比郊外大田发蛾期早 7~ 10d ;发蛾前期雄蛾多于雌蛾 ,以后雌蛾增多 ;成虫为全日程羽化出土 ,雌雄性比为 1∶1.4 2 ;雌蛾交尾最多可达 3次 ,雄蛾仅 1次。应用佳多频振式杀虫灯诱捕春尺蠖雄蛾数量大。灯距 12 0m范围内 ,树干表皮单位面积上的有效卵率较无灯对照区下降了 2 4 %~ 6 1.5 % 。
The characters of Apocheima cinerius Erschoff indicated that eclosion period is closely related to temperature. Eclosion period in the area next to city started 7~10 days earlier than that in field of outskirts; There are more male moths than female berore eclosion period, then female moths increased: Adults come out of ground after eclosion during full time of day. Female and male moths are in ratio of 1∶1.42; female moths have three fimes for mating at most, but male moths only have once for mating. The number of killing Apocheima cinerius Erschoff with Jiaduo lamp of frequency vibration is very great. The effective eggs on unit area of tree trunk cuticle under lamp light at distance 120 m decreased by 24%~61.5% compared with in no light area. The effect of control vermim disaster was obvious.
Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University
Apocheima cinerius Erschoff
lamp of frequencyvibration
effect of control vermin disaster