

A Context-dependent Objective Coordination Model in Mobile Agent Applications
摘要 移动代理之间需要进行交互合作才能完成系统任务,每个移动代理也需要与它运行所在的移动代理环境进行交互。文章提出了一种在移动代理应用系统中的上下文相关的客观协调模型,适合移动代理系统中移动代理之间的交互和移动代理与移动代理环境之间的交互,它把全局的耦合交互转变成本地独立的元组空间交互,用可编程的元组空间解决由代理移动引起的上下文相关协调问题,而且环境相关的协调策略和应用相关的协调策略可以集成到可编程的元组空间中。 Mobile agents need interaction to achieve their overall goal.Coordination is necessary between agents and al-so between agents and their environment.This paper presents a context-dependent coordination model in mobile agent applications.It transfers traditional global and coupling coordination to local and uncoupling coordination.Programmable tuple space is introduced to solve the context-dependent coordination problem caused by agent mobility.Furthermore,en-vironment-dependent coordination policies and application-dependent coordination laws can be embedded in the active programmable tuple space.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第28期57-59,112,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(编号:69973032)
关键词 主客观协调 移动代理 上下文相关 Subjective and objective coordination,Mobile agent ,Context-dependent
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