通过测定锑和铅的挥发率,研究了PbS Sb2S3二元系在水蒸气、空气及氩气气氛下的铅锑分离。X—射线衍射结果表明,在水蒸气气氛中,PbS Sb2S3二元系与水蒸气反应后焙砂主要由PbS组成,同时还含有少量的Sb2O3,铅锑分离效果很好。在氩气气氛中,熔体中的PbS和Sb2S3单纯依靠各自的蒸气压的差别,铅锑分离不彻底。在空气气氛中,熔体中会形成一些复杂的铅锑氧化合物,抑制了锑的挥发,铅锑分离的效果很差。水蒸气能把Sb2S3氧化成Sb2O3而PbS不被氧化是铅锑分离的关键。
The separation of antimony from the PbS-Sb2S3 system in steam, air and argon atmosphere has been investigated by measuring volatilization ratio of antimony. The analysis of XRD showes that the roast obtained is composed of PbS with small quantities of Sb2O3. A good Pb-Sb separation result is made. In contrast, in argon atmosphere, Sb2S3 may combine with PbS to form the complex sulfides, causing Pb-Sb separation difficult. In air atmosphere, the roast contains complex oxides such as PbSbO2, Pb5Sb4O11 and PbSb2O6. These complex oxides can not be decomposed further into single oxides, subsequently, the Pb-Sb separation will be inhibited. Generally, the oxygen potential of steam appears to be suitable for selectively oxidizing Sb2S3 in the PbS-Sb2S3 system as a means of separating it from melts.
Nonferrous Metals(Extractive Metallurgy)