杨甲三教授是我国著名的中医学家、针灸学家、针灸教育家 ,六十多年来精勤不坠 ,殚思竭虑 ,探微索奥 ,尊求古训 ,博览群书 ,致力发展针灸学术 ,创三边三间取穴法、毫针单手压式进针法 ,深得穴理 ,精于临床 ,积累了丰富的实践经验 ,形成了独特的学术思想体系。根植临床 ,勤奋耕耘六十多年 ,至八十高龄仍亲历亲为 ,以精湛的医术赢得了广泛的赞誉。以针灸名世 ,也精于方药 ,针药并用 ,每起沉疴。杨甲三教授一生热爱社会主义祖国 ,热爱人民 ,忠诚党的中医药事业 ,工作数十年如一日 ,做人光明磊落 ,真诚坦荡 ,做事认真负责 ,勤勤恳恳 ,不务虚名 ;为人师表 ,谆谆教诲 ,倾注心血 ;生活克勤克俭 ,朴素无华 ;待病人热情周到 ,善解病痛。倾毕生精力于针灸临床、教育和研究 。
Professor Yan Jiasan is a famous Chinese Medicine physician, acupuncturist, and educator of acupuncture. In the sixty years passed, he has never stopped learning, thinking, exploring, and reading, and has devoted to the development of acupuncture. He founded the “sanbian san jian method of point selection”, and “pressed needling with single hand”. He is a master of acupuncture and practices, and has accumulated rich experiences and formed his own system academic ideas. At the age of eighty, he is still in practice, and has won widespread reputation because of his excellent skills. He is not only well-known for acupuncture, he has also a good command of prescriptions. Therefore he apply both acupuncture and prescriptions in treating difficult diseases. Professor Yang Jiasan loves our socialist motherland, loves people, and is loyal to the medical undertaking. He has been working enthusiastically for several decades, being honest, open-minded, conscientious, and hardworking. He has been earnestly and tirelessly instructing students and devoted his life to his work. He is industrious and frugal, and sticks to thrifty. He is passionate and considerate to patients. He has committed all his efforts to the practice, education and study of acupuncture, and set a good example for later generations.
Journal of Henan University of Chinese Medicine
Yang Jiasan
“sanbian san jian method of point selection”
“pressed needling with single hand”
Yang Jiasan Quxue Jingyan
Science on Acupoints
Acupuncture (teaching reference)