工业界对图象智能检测技术有着迫切的需要。本文通过对火腿肠产品在线感官质量检测关键性技术的深入研究 ,证实了该项技术在火腿肠类产品在线感官检测中应用的可行性 ,文中重点讨论了产品图象智能判别系统的硬软件结构、图象检测判别方法。
In industrial kingdom,especially in Ham-intestines meatpacking enterprise,the technology of image recognition by use of computer is urgently required.In this paper,under researching the key technology of checking up ham and instestines,the feasibility of applying image recognizing technology for checking ham and intestine is approved.In this paper,the structures of hardware and software,image dstinguish measures of checking system are introduced,and the foundation of building image checking facility is established.
Techniques of Automation and Applications