目的 :探讨钙和磷 (Ca +P)的总量对生物可切削的微晶玻璃机械性能的影响。方法 :基于K2 O/Na2 O MgO Al2 O3 SiO2 F系统玻璃组分 ,在保持Ca/P比一定的情况下 ,添加不同剂量的CaO和P2 O5,通过对三点弯曲强度、硬度及可切削性能的测定 ,并结合X线衍射分析探讨其对微晶玻璃的结晶分相和机械性能的影响。结果 :在保持Ca/P比一定的情况下 ,随着 (Ca +P)总量的递增 ,可切削性能逐渐增加 ,而其抗弯强度和硬度有下降趋势 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :含有大量云母相的微晶玻璃在保持Ca/P比一定的情况下 ,适量添加CaO和P2 O5可以得到具有生物活性成分的可切削的微晶玻璃陶瓷 ,材料的可切削性能提高 。
Objective: Our aim was to explore the effects of the total amounts of CaO and P 2O 5 on mechanical properties of mica-based glass ceramic. Methods:Glass ceramic based on the K 2O/Na 2O-MgO-Al 2O 3-SiO 2-F system was fabricated.Different amounts of CaO and P 2O 5 were added into the system. The crystal phases after the micro-crystallization were analyzed with X-ray diffraction. Flexural strength was measured by means of three-point bending test. Hardness and machinability also were measured. Results: When the amount of CaO and P 2O 5 increased, the machinability increased obviously, while values of strength and hardness decreased(P<0.05). Conclusion:When proper amounts of CaO and P 2O 5 were added into the mica-based glass ceramic with proper ratio, the machinability can be improved while values of strength and hardness declined.
Journal of China Medical University