工业绿色化是工业可持续发展的具体体现 ,是工业企业面对日益增强的政府、公众、市场等环境压力 ,为减少污染而做出行为决策的响应过程。西方国家企业对环境压力的响应已经从 2 0世纪 6 0年代抗拒回避的基本不合作转变到 90年代的主动为之 ,并逐渐成为企业增强竞争力的主动行为。我国经济与环境的基本状况也赋予工业地理学家新的使命 ,即要积极参与到工业绿色化的研究中 ,探求环境压力与企业环保行为转变的内在关系 ,开展工业绿色化的评价、有效性等方面的研究 。
As the process of global environmental reform and strategic adjustment, the greening of industry is the changing process of the firms' environmental awareness and reactions to the growing environmental pressures coming from governments, the public and markets, in order to let firms reduce pollution to meet the need of sustainable development and improvement of the living environmental quality, hereby is the inevitable way to achieve economic and environmental harmonious development and regional sustainable development. The greening of the industry has first been practiced in the western developed countries since the 1960s where the responses of the firms to environmental pressures has changed from non cooperation in the 1960s to active participation in the 1990s. Firms have shifted their reluctant behaviors to the willingness to take their responsibility and to active participation in order to strengthen their competitive abilities. However, the greening of industry in our country has made few progress compared to the developed countries. Whereas geographers have seldom been engaged in this field, and less attention has been paid to the external pressures such as markets, communities, investors and consumers as well as the relationship between environmental pressures and firms behavior. Because of the rapid economic development and environmental deterioration, it is imperative to speed up the research of the greening of industry which would be the new field widening the research of the industrial environmental geography. The foci of the study can be identified as the following aspects: the stage evaluation of the greening of industry, analyses of the type and the change of the environmental pressures as well as the firms environmental awareness and reactions, the impact of the environmental pressures on the firms responses, ecological and economic availability evaluation, and then seeking efficient way to get both economic and environmental achievements.
Geographical Research
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (KZCX 30 7)和 (CXNIGLAS A0 2 0 9)共同资助
the greening of industrial firms
environmental pressure
response of firms